Hadrian’s Wall features on a new set of stamps about Roman life in Britain.

Royal Mail released the set of eight stamps today.

As well as Northumberland and Cumbria’s Hadrian’s Wall, they feature Dover Lighthouse, Bignor Mosaic, Caerleon Amphitheatre; Ribchester helmet; Bridgeness distance slab; Warrior god, Cambridgeshire and Gorgon’s head, Bath.

Royal Mail worked with the British Museum to develop the set of stamps, which mark the Romans’ contribution to the UK’s history.

Richard Hobbs, the Weston Curator of Roman Britain at the British Museum, said: “It was a great honour to work with Royal Mail on this project.

“The eight sites and objects chosen give a taste of life in Roman Britain, which I hope will encourage people to explore this fascinating period in Britain’s history further. “

The full range of stamps, and other collectable products are available now at www.royalmail.com/romanbritain.

The full set of eight stamps, available in a Presentation Pack, retails at £10.35. The stamps will go on general sale from June 18, 2020.

Source: View original article

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