William Wordsworth, born on 7th April 1770 .  Wordsworth was concerned about the elitism of earlier poets, their highbrow language and subject matter which was not accessible to ordinary people. He maintained that poetry should be democratic; that it should be composed in ‘the language really spoken by men’ and he launched his ideas when he, with Coleridge, published their Lyrical Ballads (1798).

Each of the ten stamps features the work of the key Romantic poets – John Clare, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, Sir Walter Scott, Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Lord Byron, and two female poets – Mary Robinson and Letiticia Landon, who in their time were extremely popular, and among the first women to support themselves solely by writing.

Issue Date:07.04.2020 Designer:The Chase Printer:International Security Printers Process:Lithography, PVA Gum, 1st class phosphor bars Size:41mm (w) x 30mm (h), Landscape

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