The Romans successfully invaded in the year 43, and assimilated much of the country into a Roman province introducing their culture and technology, with 10km of roads linking new towns such as London, and building villas, theatres, bathhouses and even shopping malls. They introduced large scale building with stone, as well as their gods and, later, Christianity. They even gave us the name ‘Britain’.Archaeologists canpiece together the extent of the Roman impact throughout their occupation. An extraordinary wealth of evidence remains of sites and artefacts, from the large, such as Hadrian’s Wall and remains of amphitheatres and villas, to the smaller including mosaics, and intricate metalwork and statues.Two of the items are preserved by the British Museum, a ceremonial cavalry helmet and a small metal statue of a warrior god. Both will be on show at the British Museum in a special display to mark the stamps.
Issue Date:18.06.2020 Printer:International Security Printers Process:Lithography, PVA Gum, Phosphor appropriate to service Size:35mm (w) x 37mm (h), Over-square portrait