POSITION VACANT – Newsletter Editor 
What a great way to start 2019, a dream job – contribute to the IPDA – take over the writing of the Newsletter. Surely there is someone with the flair and talent and technical skills to do it? The role is pretty much self-explanatory by the title but is described here: http://www.ipdastamps.com/constitution/#unique-identifier32

You need the capability to create a Newsletter along the lines of the current format although within reason we could see changes where they improve the layout and readability.

The current logos will be maintained but the content will be largely up to the Editor. As long as it is in keeping with the purpose and direction of the IPDA.

Send me an email – ipdasecretary1@gmail – if you have questions or would like to be considered for the role.

Interviews will be held in Sydney, Manila, London, Hong Kong and New York during late January and early February.…. ok that was the dream part ……….. but seriously, the opportunity to contribute to the IPDA is real.?

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