Friday night and we are getting ready for the weekend. Time for two things. One to make sure I have everything packed for our trip to London starting Sunday, and two, to tell you about a new feature for IPDA Members on the IPDA website.

Packing is easy, I just make sure there is plenty of room for stamps and perhaps a new catalogue or two that I will be bringing back. 🙂    And since we will be visiting the London Stampex and the Macau 2018 Show I better leave plenty of room. 🙂  I also need to pick up some philatelic supplies for the business in Hong Kong (best prices there at my favourite stamp arcade in Mong Kok), so here is my advice – see picture.  Easy!

And, for something new for IPDA Members. If you log in to the Members Only area and put your cursor on the “Members Only” tab you will see a new feature at the end of the drop down menu choice  – “Newsletter Archive”.  This is the result of hours of work by our brilliant webmaster, who has pulled together a library of the IPDA Newsletters going back to 2007.  He is now working on Part II of the project, which is to index every article.   We can expect that in about 3 months I think.  There is so much useful information in these past Newsletters, and useful reference material.  Also, I think it is interesting to look back over the years.  It is all there now and when the library index is ready it will be even more useful.

Have a great weekend.  Oh yes, I forget to mention, the September issue of the IPDA Newsletter is now available on the website under the “Services” menu. Enjoy.  Have a great philatelic weekend.

Michael     IPDA General Secretary

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