Ivan Krstitelj Rabljanin (John the Baptist of Rab):Born in Rab around 1470, John the Baptist of Rab was accepted into the service of the Dubrovnik Republic in 1505 as a cannon and bell caster, where he served as head master craftsman the until his death in 1540.

Lelja Dobronić:Her distinction and eminence matched only by her selflessness and altruism, historian and art historian Lelja Dobronić (1920-2006) is one of the few people who can be credited with rebuilding old Zagreb through in-depth, well-researched history. 

Count Janko Drašković:Count Janko Drašković (Zagreb, 1770 – Radkersburg, 1856) was a Croatian politician active in the Croatian National Revival. After receiving a private education, he studied philosophy and law in Vienna. A highly educated polyglot, Drašković joined the Philanthropes réunis Freemasons Lodge in Paris in 1808. After he left the military in 1792, having sustained a leg injury, Drašković returned to active military service in the Napoleonic Wars, rising to colonel rank. Since 1792, he served as a Member of the Croatian Parliament.

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