The birthday of the most famous fairy-tale writer, Hans Christian Anderson, was chosen to mark the International Children’s Book Day. The aim of celebrating this day is to develop a love for reading in children, in order to keep this habit up throughout their lives. Anderson’s fairy-tales are based on folklore literature and have been translated into more than 80 languages.Every child must have access to different books, since reading expands knowledge, and the more knowledge we have, the readier we are to respond to life’s challenges. The vocabulary is enriched and the ability to speak beautifully is strengthened. According to some research, readers have more developed mental abilities and better memory. They are more relaxed and happier with their lives.

Children whose parent’s read to them before bedtime develop preference for reading in their adulthood. It is especially important to read to children aloud from their earliest age, which is associated with a feeling of pleasure and strengthens family ties. It is recommended to start with shorter songs and nursey rhymes, followed by picture books and children’s books. It is important to read every day, because reading is fun, brings joy and enriches our life. (Željka Šaravanja)

Date of issue: 02. 04. 2020 Design: Antonia Zeljko Ćavar Size: 25,56 x 35,50 mm Paper: white, 102 g, adhesive Comb perforation: 14 Print: AKD d.o.o. Zagreb Value: 1.10 BAM Quantity: 20.000 pieces  Sheet: 8 stamps + vignette

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